iridiana's profile picture across social platforms. primarily pink tones with a holographic rainbow overlay and bright stars that look like glitter.

iridiana light


iridiana is a queer, trans, disabled multidisciplinary creative living in Minneapolis (Očhéthi Šakówiŋ and Wahpekute land). xae hopes to open a mutual aid phone store in the future, until then xae's navigating different low wage jobs to stay afloat through college.


Work with me

In terms of graphic design, I can create posters, cover art for music, social media banners, abstract profile pictures, and more.
I also make DJ sets primarily composed of mashups I make!
Last but not least, I offer purchase advice primarily for phones and laptops, but also for non-tech products like backpacks, decor items, and more.
Reach out for any of these and we can talk pricing! Contact me with any of the buttons below.